

Welcome to my PBworks Workspace

This is a revamped version of my old khsgdunc Google Site. The purpose of this transition is to demonstrate how PBworks can be used to quickly and easily create a usable website. The PBworks Educational Edition Manual and the video tutorials at the Queen's University Belfast Using PBworks page can be very helpful in creating your own PBworks Workspace. WCPSS also provides additional resources at their site -


Tech Tips:

The first few weeks of school are always a challenge in assisting staff with getting things started. I've posted several tutorials to assist them with common issues.


What is this all about?

This page is my attempt at organizing and keeping some of my more common tutorials for KHS Staff. This page was created with my free PBWorks wiki. This is one of the many places you can use to create an information portal for parents and students. Other examples might include:


See Advanced Teacher Pages and Sharing Info With Parents for Additional Information on creating your own class web site.


Geek Out!!